194 research outputs found

    Empirical assessment of VoIP overload detection tests

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    The control of communication networks critically relies on procedures capable of detecting unanticipated load changes. In this paper we explore such techniques, in a setting in which each connection consumes roughly the same amount of bandwidth (with VoIP as a leading example). We focus on large-deviations based techniques developed earlier in that monitor the number of connections present, and that issue an alarm when this number abruptly changes. The procedures proposed in are demonstrated by using real traces from an operational environment. Our experiments show that our detection procedure is capable of adequately identifying load changes

    Inner Voice dan Self-esteem

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    This study had been done to comprehend inner voice phenomena in psychopathology, especially suicide ideation in normal people. Using quantitative method, inner voice and self-esteem instruments have been developed and given to 196 students Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia. The results showed that there is significant correlation between inner voice and self esteem and no sex differences in inner voice and self esteem between participants. In general, subjects inner voice state is in underestimate self-esteem, despite most of the subjects have high self-esteem

    Characterization of ISP Traffic: Trends, User Habits, and Access Technology Impact

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    In the recent years, the research community has increased its focus on network monitoring which is seen as a key tool to understand the Internet and the Internet users. Several studies have presented a deep characterization of a particular application, or a particular network, considering the point of view of either the ISP, or the Internet user. In this paper, we take a different perspective. We focus on three European countries where we have been collecting traffic for more than a year and a half through 5 vantage points with different access technologies. This humongous amount of information allows us not only to provide precise, multiple, and quantitative measurements of "What the user do with the Internet" in each country but also to identify common/uncommon patterns and habits across different countries and nations. Considering different time scales, we start presenting the trend of application popularity; then we focus our attention to a one-month long period, and further drill into a typical daily characterization of users activity. Results depict an evolving scenario due to the consolidation of new services as Video Streaming and File Hosting and to the adoption of new P2P technologies. Despite the heterogeneity of the users, some common tendencies emerge that can be leveraged by the ISPs to improve their servic

    Inside Dropbox: Understanding Personal Cloud Storage Services

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    Personal cloud storage services are gaining popularity. With a rush of providers to enter the market and an increasing of- fer of cheap storage space, it is to be expected that cloud storage will soon generate a high amount of Internet traffic. Very little is known about the architecture and the perfor- mance of such systems, and the workload they have to face. This understanding is essential for designing efficient cloud storage systems and predicting their impact on the network. This paper presents a characterization of Dropbox, the leading solution in personal cloud storage in our datasets. By means of passive measurements, we analyze data from four vantage points in Europe, collected during 42 consecu- tive days. Our contributions are threefold: Firstly, we are the first to study Dropbox, which we show to be the most widely-used cloud storage system, already accounting for a volume equivalent to around one third of the YouTube traffic at campus networks on some days. Secondly, we characterize the workload typical users in different environments gener- ate to the system, highlighting how this reflects on network traffic. Lastly, our results show possible performance bot- tlenecks caused by both the current system architecture and the storage protocol. This is exacerbated for users connected far from control and storage data-center

    Kepentingan Indonesia Melakukan Kerjasama dengan Selandia Baru dalam Bidang Energi Geothermal

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    This research discusses about cooperation on New Zealand in Indonesia in in the field of geothermal energi. Indonesia is one country with the greatest potential for geothermal energi in the world. As a renewable and environmental friendly energi , geothermal energi potential need to be improved its contribution to meet domestic energi needs which will reduce Indonesias dependence on fossil energi sources dwindling. Although the potential of Indonesia has big geothermal energi , but the utilization of geothermal energi is not maximized.Indonesia decided to cooperate with New Zealand in order to maximize the utilization of geothermal energi .In this research, the writer uses library research technique. Sources were obtained from journals, website and news.Method that applied in this research is qualitative. This research also uses level of analysis of nation-state and neo-liberalism perspective. Theory of cooperationwill supports to explain the problem in this research.There are two factor behind Indonesia and New Zealand partnership. First, internal factor which geothermal resources in Indonesia has not been maximalize. This geothermal development will increase energy reserves and able to keep Indonesias energy security.Second. external factor which. New Zealand is a country with high experiences and high capabilities in geothermal development. New Zealand is also known as the state which has advantages and capabilities in geothermal technology and geothermal human resources.Keywords: cooperation, investment, energi, geothermal, interes